The course “Resilient food production and distribution” will be divided into 2 parts:

1) A two and a half days international open conference in Warsaw that will be dedicated to general degrowth topics but strongly connected with agriculture (like: global financial system and alternatives to it; modern agriculture and food sovereignty, energy decentralization and energy sovereignty; growth, culture and thinking structures).

2) A two and a half days course/workshop on the countryside with some practical work. In working groups, together with their previously selected coordinators, we will teat subjects like:

−        Crisis of global food economy.

−        The food sovereignty and regional and global food policy.

−        Alternative food supplies.

The  speeches by experts on the first two subjects will be followed by group work on the same subjects that were treated by experts. Later, the subject of the alternatives in agriculture will be treated during the workshops that will be held by participants or invited subject coordinators and reported back to other groups on general assemblies.


Course in organised by: Kultury Swiata Foudation